Saturday 22 June 2013

Greenery beanery and chilli news !

I know these titles are so witty !

I have just looked back on my posts to suss out the names of my chillies as I only know them by numbers from 5olly's chilli trial. It is amazing how much has grown and changed since the first post.

We have had heat and rain this week so all the veg is going mad - the cabbages and caulis are spectacular - doubled in size this week .

I will take some thinnings and use them as spring greens yummy.
The spuds onions garlic and beans are galloping away as well - some spuds are already flowering. Here  is a strange person pointing at the chard, which has bolted, but look at the garlic and early potatoes.

Here are the beans going up the poles already.
The sweet corn is doing well too and we have some strawberries already ripening - but something has eaten two already - from under the net so probably a mouse .
The first courgette of the year is here - we may have quite a few more soon - no doubt.
And look at the peas !!!!

Here are some of the aubergines - they are flowering so I will pinch out the growing tip tomorrow to limit number of fruit and get good size fruit. We have started feeding them and the tomatoes chillies and courgettes with comfrey feed. Smells foul but does the trick for free!

Right - update on the chillies. They are all in the ground in the greenhouse now with the tomatoes so it's a bit hard to get a decent picture. There are 3 number 3s - Hungarian yellow wax I believe - they are flowering and the biggest plants about 18 inches high in old money. I also have 2 number 4s and 2 number 5s I think . Here they are - the 4s and 5s are in front of the tomatoes.

The number 4s have variegated leaves and are bushing out nicely - the number 5s were very slow but are catching up now. Here are some close ups.
number 4 above number 3 below-can you see the flowers and small fruit?
Here are the number 5s - or number 2s???They are about 10 inches high.
Anyway cheers 5olly it has been good fun so far - glad I have taken part and I know it is NOT A COMPETITION.


Sunday 9 June 2013

Nearly finished planting-

This week has been the final leg of planting out seedlings lovingly nurtured in the greenhouses and coldframe- only the basil and leeks remain in pots.

The sweetcorn is in we grow this in loo roll tubes to minimise root disturbance - this year we have 84 plants!  We sowed two varieties  - a bicolor one from real seeds and some left over seeds from last year. Can you tell that I can't remember the names ?

Anyway they have filled one of the biggest beds - we always plant sweetcorn in blocks to allow pollenation.Here they are - still small but with plenty of room.
Here is a more romantic view from across the herb bed.
I sat outside the new shed this afternoon and took some low level pictures dowm the path and close ups of the Bhudda of the herbia and flowers to share with you.
I quite like that one - here is Bhudda nestling in the herbs .
Next him are these aqualegia - self seeded of course.

The chives flowering at present look really lovely.
We also have some webbs lettuce that is ready spot the ant on this one !
In the coldframe we have baby basil- sweet genovese and greek - as well as parsley seedlings .
Here is the view from the main path - as you can see I haven't earthed up the spuds - seems  a bit late and pointless to me.

 Finally here is a picture of my left foot complete with toe ring and birkenstock sandal for all you fashionistas out there.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Planting like crazee!

I can't believe it's June already - till I look at all the seedlings in the greenhouse that are ready to go out  so this weekend has been about beans !

Putting up the canes and planting out the hardened off plants.

Here you see the deft use of old clothes poles and wire to create the bean row- over the trench that was filled with last year's brassica and sweetcorn remains. To add to the fun in the scorching sun a MAHOOSIVE ant colony inhabited the bed. It took a while to dismantle and genocide the poor insects.(

This has now been planted with climbing french beans Blue Lake - 2 plants to a stick. I have another row of  beans called Cherokee veil of tears that are not on a trench - here is a picture of them. They were the original beans grown by Native Americans as they were driven from their lands by invaders.
Also in this picture are the strawberries which I netted yesterdayto keep the birds off.
As a result of the chili trial I have 20 aubergine plants in the greenhouse ready to go in the ground they look very well -we will start to feed them and the tomatoes with comfrey feed now so we get plenty of fruit.

Here are some young peas that are netted and doing well they are short self supporting variety hence the close spacing we are very pleased with these.

All in all the plot looks fab at present - Kym even weeded the raspberry canes look !

The herb bed near the shed is full of oregano ,lemon balm ,lavender rosemary ,mint and chives great home for Bhudda.The sweetcorn will go in the bed behind this one.

The next major job once the planting is finished is to put gutters on the new shed recycled of course.


Right off to finish making sunday dinner . Cheers x

Friday 10 May 2013

Red shed and lots of weeds

The new shed was a freebie from a neighbour and a bit of a bugger to put together as twitter followers will know - it is the one on the left blushing at the attention.
The paths are sprouting dandelions like crazy at present despite being weeded assiduously last year still it never ends I suppose. We have peas in the ground and onion sets and onions from seed as well as lettuces looking good. The garlic is also going great guns .
I have just harvested some of this chard and put it in my curry - with lamb if you must know.
The plum tree had loads of flower that has been blown off by the wind so I am not sure if the harvest will be good.Rhubarb is doing well and I will be starting the firs of this year's wines tomorrow.

What happens to all that junk from behind the shed?

This time of year is when the reason for all those blue crates and weird bits of wire netting become clear - it is useful junk for keeping off pigeons , carrying pots and growing things in general . Here is my neighour's old garden fence doing it's lob on the brassica seedlings as they harden off.

I'm not sure you can see , the cloches and domes are for covering at night if there is a chance of frost.- also the blue piping etc is for netting once these are planted properly.
This is not just a pile of sticks and old poles ( not polish people, long poles like fishing poles) it is going to be the frame for the beans when they are ready , it is like an incipient horticultural wonder - NOT A BUILDING SITE OK?
The biggest news is at the other end of the plot where a NEW SHED - which will be for potting up - drinking tea etc. has been erected over a long and arduous weekend .I am very pleased with it.

Spital is sprouting !

Well it's been a while as additional work hours have seriously impeded my blogging but not stopped progress on the allotment.
The chillies are doing well from the chilli trial - they are now in the greenhouse ready to be potted on in the next week or so I have put the camera case there as a scale they are all doing well just different varieties.
The main outcome of the chilli trial has been my venture into early heated propogation and this many aubergine plants - also moved to the greenhouse and already repotted- I am very pleased with these as I love aubergines so I hope to get a good harvest !

The rest of the greenhouse has climbing french beans - just sprouted and courgettes doing well. We have tomatoes and various flower seedlings in the other greenhouse.
Oot of doors the potatoes have come through overnight following some much needed rain -
all 3 varieties seem to be doing well so far.

These are the first and second earlies - kestrel and winston - also have desiree maincrop.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Lighting the seeds ..

A parcel was blocking the front door yesterday when I came back from work-  once I had managed to get in and calmed down - I was pleased to see that it was my light fittings for the light box ! I did a dance to the photosynthesis god in thanks.

This morning I awoke bright and early (pun intended) and assembled my materials.

- Cardboard box nicked from work.
- Gaffer tape
- tin foil
- pritt stick from the pound shop
- a bit of wood
- a banana box lid
- my new lights .

Then while a glazier repaired my window I completed phase 1- lining the box.

Then I walked the dog after the glazier had gone - it was really sunny and it feels like the first day of spring today!

The making of the lid and fitting the electrics involved sawing , augering, screwing, and measuring - such multi talent !

Tarrah !!

It was a bit tight in the box for 4 half trays but they did fit ! I am very pleased - and it feels easier to control than the front windowsill heatwise.

The seedlings have already got some new leaves showing so I hope this helps them along even more - I really want loads of aubergines this year.

Out in the garden the sun looks great and this peony has appeared again- when I lifted the courtyard paving 8 years ago this just started growing - it must have been dormant agood 3 years.

We protect it from the dog with the basket but it's never really done well due to the shade of the hazel and acer.I am hopeful this year though as we radically pruned both of the light stealers last year- we may get some flowers!

Spuds are chitting away and digging will recommence tomorrow on the plot.

We also have this hellebore doing well in the garden-

ok - I am going out side now x

Friday 22 February 2013

Chilly chillies and the beast


As you will have seen from the last blog hot seed action has been underway in Spitalhood.
I have got chilli and aubergine  seeds started and moved them to the south facing  bay window in the living room for more light and less heat – If you see what I mean- they have slowed down but look ok. They also have more company in here in the evening.


The chillis all look different, variety 3,4,and 5 are up but 1 and 2 are invisible – or have left the country. I understand other people have had similar problems so I feel quite good that they have come up for me at all.

I have moved the onions and celery to the greenhouse as it’s too warm for them in here really. I cannot believe how geeky I am being about this but it is in the interest of science as they say.

I have also made a gallon of parsnip wine that currently looks like a very suspicious and large  urine sample but I am not worried as it has 6 months to go before bottling. I used the thirsty gardener recipe with a tweak.
Meanwhile over on the allotment preparation of the new bed has progressed with the first outing of the cultivator for 2013 – I had dug over and weeded yesterday so I was just breaking the soil down so it was easier to get nearly level. It is easier than digging but still pulls on your arms and keeps you warm .

The flags I used to make the path came from our back garden – I dismantled a courtyard garden when we moved in here and created a cottage garden* instead. These have been very handy on the allotment over the years.
(*random arrangement of shrubs and perrenials that we like.)
From the path edge you can see there is still work to do – also this area has only been uncovered for 3 days or so and the dandelions are already coming up . I had better get it weeded this weekend.

The beast is the name of the cultivator – I also have a strimmer called the beauty.*

(*this is a lie).

So tonight I am going to a 70’s disco night – there will be a curry first and lager will be consumed so I hope I will be able to do more digging tomorrow. I am not posting any pictures of dancing you will be pleased to know.
This is not me and I will not be wearing anything like this  but we had a Mamma Mia Party once and this is what my neighbour wore .
Such Fun !


Friday 8 February 2013

Propogate Update

Propagate Update February 8



Hello allotmenteers ! This is a bit of a general introduction to our plot and the start of the gardening year. If you have seen my pictures on twitter it looks very tidy . This is mainly a deception based on how I take the pictures. This blog has some worryingly candid pictures of untidy and weedy bits of garden.
You have been warned!
Meanwhile back at the house the heated propagating set up for the chillies is going well – as in I have onions and AUBERGINES !!! sprouting but no sign of  any chillies yet –still plenty of time eh? Here are the aubergines.


I have also got my seed potatoes chitting in the spare room – in the past I have saved egg boxes for this- but I don’t think it makes any difference- so this year they are just in the blue crates. I have got Winston, a first early, Kestrel a second early, and Desiree main crop. The first two are varieties that my allotment mate Ken* swears by so I am trying them out. Desiree always do well for us. We have all the slugs in the world on our site so you have to grow slug resistant types.  

*Ken has been gardening on our site for 50 years –he is lovely and has the next plot to us – this year he invented this bird scarer that has kept the pigeons off his cabbage all winter- it is made from pedal bin liners.

 This area under the carpet was raspberries and overrun with couch grass so I covered it last spring as we are also going to grow peas again this year I need an extra 2 beds so it needs sorting.
The next job is to dig this over – remove the raspberry runners (knackering) and put a path down the side of the greenhouse. I will put the main crop potatoes in here this year and then use it as another bed in our rotation system.
The strange lump is the last of the manure heap - referred to as black gold- there is enough left  for this year.It cost me £7.50 for half a trailer load 3 years ago and it has rotted down really well. I will get some more this year but store it on another part of the site now I need this space.
The thing with the big rubber mats on it is a home made cold frame I got from "union " Ian ( to distinguish him from "god" Ian).
This is it - I have put these rubber things on it to stop it blowing away before it is in place. If anyone has any idea what they may be I would be very interested!
As well as the new seeds we have some stuff that has been growing all winter. This is winter salad in a cold frame in the greenhouse.
This is how it stays warm- clever eh?
We took loads of rosemary cuttings that seem to have taken well- and we keep some parsley inside over winter as well.
The rest of the plot is looking ok I have moved the compost bins down by the shed out of the way - here is a long view from the greenhouse end.

For those of you who are still awake and a bit geeky here is our planting plan for this year - this is our 5th year in this layout and we rotate beds and the greenhouse crops.
zzzzzz- oh sorry!
  2013 Planting plan





New cold frame






Tomatoes and aubergines


Beans and garlic



Basil, chillies and cucumbers







































Compost area Wildflower

This bit is the fruit area - obviously.

So that is the start of our gardening year - I will update progress with the new spud bed and any other interesting things that happen.

Well I think it is interesting anyway....can you see this garlic I planted last october ? No me neither !

See you later ....