Monday 5 May 2014

Mayday update 2014

Spring is here again and this has been a major tidy up weekend - dandelions have featured heavily on our plot for several months but they are handy for feeding these girls-
They are not ours but we are helping to feed them -I am glad we didn't get any as I find them hard work and a bit boring to be honest - I think they only work when you have them running free in your yard.

I strimmed around the fruit area - we have gooseberries , blackcurrants, raspberries and rhubarb as well as the plum tree- for wine making - of course.

These are the cabbages already in with my patent fireguard netting frame to keep the pigeons off!

Lots of seedlings still in the greenhouse - we had a frost on Friday and our courgettes  and most of the cucumbers copped for it - even in the greenhouse! 

I have trimmed the frosted leaves from these to see if they survive and put new seeds in ! Luckily we had loads of tomato and aubergine seedlings that have got through.

This is the worst bit that is yet to be cleared - last years parsley still going strong and those dandelions . I am in trouble as they have gone to seed - whoops ! 

 This is the main-crop potatoes - not through yet but nice salad leaves intercropped around the rows - desiree variety of spuds of course.

 The strawberry bed is doing well we have weeded and fed with comfrey feed - will need to net soon to keep the birds off.
 This is the long view down the middle path - or dandelion alley as it is now known. Below is the compost I have just got from the dalek bin - I found the potato peeler we lost last year in it !

So this is where we are so far - hoping for a good year !
Happy allotment- ting !