Friday 10 May 2013

Red shed and lots of weeds

The new shed was a freebie from a neighbour and a bit of a bugger to put together as twitter followers will know - it is the one on the left blushing at the attention.
The paths are sprouting dandelions like crazy at present despite being weeded assiduously last year still it never ends I suppose. We have peas in the ground and onion sets and onions from seed as well as lettuces looking good. The garlic is also going great guns .
I have just harvested some of this chard and put it in my curry - with lamb if you must know.
The plum tree had loads of flower that has been blown off by the wind so I am not sure if the harvest will be good.Rhubarb is doing well and I will be starting the firs of this year's wines tomorrow.

What happens to all that junk from behind the shed?

This time of year is when the reason for all those blue crates and weird bits of wire netting become clear - it is useful junk for keeping off pigeons , carrying pots and growing things in general . Here is my neighour's old garden fence doing it's lob on the brassica seedlings as they harden off.

I'm not sure you can see , the cloches and domes are for covering at night if there is a chance of frost.- also the blue piping etc is for netting once these are planted properly.
This is not just a pile of sticks and old poles ( not polish people, long poles like fishing poles) it is going to be the frame for the beans when they are ready , it is like an incipient horticultural wonder - NOT A BUILDING SITE OK?
The biggest news is at the other end of the plot where a NEW SHED - which will be for potting up - drinking tea etc. has been erected over a long and arduous weekend .I am very pleased with it.

Spital is sprouting !

Well it's been a while as additional work hours have seriously impeded my blogging but not stopped progress on the allotment.
The chillies are doing well from the chilli trial - they are now in the greenhouse ready to be potted on in the next week or so I have put the camera case there as a scale they are all doing well just different varieties.
The main outcome of the chilli trial has been my venture into early heated propogation and this many aubergine plants - also moved to the greenhouse and already repotted- I am very pleased with these as I love aubergines so I hope to get a good harvest !

The rest of the greenhouse has climbing french beans - just sprouted and courgettes doing well. We have tomatoes and various flower seedlings in the other greenhouse.
Oot of doors the potatoes have come through overnight following some much needed rain -
all 3 varieties seem to be doing well so far.

These are the first and second earlies - kestrel and winston - also have desiree maincrop.